Norway Spruce

Picea abies


The largest and fastest growing of the spruces. Beautiful specimen tree. Widely used in farm windbreaks. Resistant to Rhizosphaera needle cast disease.

A wonderful tree with a pyramidal shape when young, and hanging branches as it matures. The largest and fastest growing of the spruces. Large cones are attractive as Christmas ornaments. Native to Iowa.


Planting Instructions

Dig the hole twice as big around as the container it’s in, but no deeper. Remove the tree and roots from the container. Using a utility knife, cut at least 3 vertical cuts from the bottom of the root ball to the top as well as a x-shaped cut on the bottom. Plant the tree and use loose soil to fill in the area around the tree. Step the tree in to ensure it’s set well and then water.

Shipping Details

Shipping is direct from our nursery for the best quality! Your tree/plant will be carefully packed and shipped to your doorstep ready to plant.

Our trees/plants are seasonal. Go ahead & place your order now and we will ship when the weather is correct for your area.

Plant Info

Height: 40-80 ft

Spread: 25-30 ft

Foliage: Green

Exposure: Full Sun

Growing Zone: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Growth Rate: Fast