Bur Oak

Quercus macrocarpa


Native from Nova Scotia to Manitoba and south to Pennsylvania and Texas, this beautiful oak has attractive corky bark especially interesting in winter.  Will tolerate drought and dry soil conditions and grows easily in average soils.


Item available for local pick up only.

Do you have questions? Contact us.

Planting Instructions

Dig the hole twice as big around as the container it’s in, but no deeper. Remove the tree and roots from the container. Plant the tree and use loose soil to fill in the area around the tree. Step the tree in to ensure it’s set well then water. Water regularly until the tree is established.

Shipping Details

Shipping is not available for this item. Local pick is available at our nursery.

Plant Info

Height: 60-80 ft

Spread: 40-50 ft

Foliage: Dark Green

Exposure: Full Sun

Growing Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Growth Rate: Moderate